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 No ParkingNo Parkingdiable alt+ctrl+del, ctrl+esc, alt+esc, alt+tab - Pages: 1 
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AuthorTopic: diable alt+ctrl+del, ctrl+esc, alt+esc, alt+tab
1 Posts
posted 9/14/2004 7:58 AM EST (US)  View profile  Send EMail
Hi All

I am sure the previous topic has been dealt with somewhere. I just can’t get hold of the place where I can see how to disable alt+ctrl+del, ctrl+esc, alt+esc or alt+tab for windows xp, 2000 or NT. Please help me on this automation. The application that I am using is running on Microsoft Access and is using Visual Basics for applications.


Luyanda Kota
Site Owner
83 Posts
posted 9/14/2004 1:38 PM EST (US)  View profile  Send EMail  View Homepage will supply all the answers you need.

Note that disabling Ctrl+Alt+Del in Win2k or WinXP is impossible.
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